Creativity of happiness, Painting of a Different Reality - this is when the paintings energetically vibrating impulse give people the opportunity to live in good, prosperity, wealth, to be happy and healthy. This new direction in art, and primarily in the art of living, opens in people a new natural perception of the world.
My work is a natural vision of natural beauty, this is the rustle of birch leaves in the wind, this is a splash of the sea wave, this is the radiance of the rays of the sun, this is a living vision of the world, the world of nature and man in harmony and joy! This is the delight of the soul and the vast expanses of joy and good!
The paintings have a unique, easily recognizable author's style, which has no analogues in oil painting. Bright colors shine, radiating warmth, inviting a person to a new, classy space of radiance of happiness.