Evgenievna Julia

Russia • Saint Petersburg • born in 1976 • artist
Born in 1976 in the city of Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR.
In 1993, she came to St. Petersburg.
She graduated from the Engineering School of Clothing (College).
In 1997 she entered SPbGHPA to the cafe. Costume design. In 2003 she defended her diploma and entered graduate school. In 2006 she defended her thesis on special. 17.00.04. (Art criticism).
Since 2005, she taught at the cafe. Costume design at SPbSUE. Since 2014 I have been teaching at SPbGUPTD.
Since 2010 - Member of the Union of Designers of Russia,
Since 2014 - Member of the Union of Artists of Russia (St. Petersburg). I constantly participate in international and Russian exhibitions and competitions as a painter, and also participate in scientific and practical conferences as an art critic.
The theme of my scientific and artistic work is Costume and cityscape. I write in oil, pastel, gouache.

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