Portrait of a man selling orchids

Thao YuRi • Photography, 19.11.2020, 1600×1600 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Photography
Subject and objects: Portrait
Style of art: Portraiture
Date of creation: 19.11.2020
Size: 1600×1600 cm
Region: United States
Owner: Thao YuRi

Description of the artwork «Portrait of a man selling orchids»

Title: Portrait of a man selling orchids
Portrait photo published by: Thao YuRi
Copyright registered with the United States Copyright Office and protected by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Person who has the right to edit and access the content: Thao YuRi
Investor: Thao YuRi
Email: rovergowersi@hotmail.com
© - Thao YuRi
Publication date November 19, 2020