Abduction of Aramila

Arkady Achitov • Painting, 2020, 110×100 cm
About the artwork
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Art form: Painting
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 2020
Size: 110×100 cm
Region: Russia
Location: FITFLAIP
Artwork in collection: Achitov's work FITFLAIP

Description of the artwork «Abduction of Aramila»

Abduction of Aramila
2020, canvas, oil, 110×100
"A Girl in Need" is a timeless theme, popular in all forms of art, from literature to cinema (hello to Maestro Gaidai with his "Prisoner of the Caucasus").
The kidnapping of beauties is the most massive of the stories about girls. For my "Abduction," I used our Ural myth of the town of Aramil. There is a legend about the daughter of a noble Bashkir, who lived with her family in a small settlement on the banks of the Iset River (we are talking about the events of the late 17th century).
One day an Aramil girl went for a walk to the river and mysteriously disappeared. Depending on the versions of the legend, Aramil: a) got lost in the woods; b) drowned herself because of unhappy love; c) was kidnapped. The latter version breaks down into several, among which is the mystical assumption that the beauty was stolen by forest demons.
In the end, the young girl disappeared, and the inconsolable father's cries of "Aramil! Aramil!" were heard for a long time in the surrounding woods. The name of the place came from here, if the myth is to be believed.