Olga Akasi was born in 1970 in Kiev, Ukraine. Graduated from The Odessa State Fine Art College called name from Grecov (Painting Depart.), 1984-89. Studied the manner of Durer, Tizian, Rembrandt, etc. in the museums of Moskow, Odessa, Kiev, Saint-Peterburg. Also in the museums of Japan (Kyushu National Museum, Nara National Museum, Nezu Institute of Fine Arts, The National Museum of Modern Art, Setagaya-Art Museum,Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, Matsukata Collection, Кyoto Municipal Museum of Art etc.)
Artworks: Russia, Ukraine, Japan (Токiо), Holland, France, England, USA.
The beginning of public art activity: 2004-2005.
Ukrainian artist, the unique in the Ukraine, who works in the technology of old masters, without being neither the restorer, nor the museum worker.
All works are original, not copies and not imitations.
AkasiArtStudio was founded in 2011. It specializes in Ukrainian artist Olga Akasi, Portraits, Paintings & Drawing. We represent and exhibit Olga Akasi art works and focuses on classical portrait.
Arthur Grell, Gallery Director art-grell@yandex.ru
Previous Exhibitions SOLO EXHIBITIONS:
2016 – Personal exhibition. Restaurant Barvy”, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2016 – Personal exhibition. Center of the Modern Art "Art-Shik" (Vinnytsia)
2013, September 5 - Hotel-restaurant complex “Tsargrad”, New Akasi artwork presentation.
2013, May 28 - Brovarnya Solomenskaya, presentation "Gallery LifeStyle"
2012/13, December 21, 2012 - January 8, 2013 - The personal exhibition "Be the Master". Center of the Modern Art "Art-Shik" (Vinnytsia)
2012, December 19 – Personal one day exhibition «Vasari Trio». Stolypin Club, Hyatt Regency.
2011 – Personal exhibition «By Dream's Lips in Harmony of Silence». Kiev Cigar Club. Kyiv, Ukraine.
2010 – One Picture Show Series. Autumn-Winter,Old Vienna Hotel, The medical center «Porcelain», The jeweler house «Zarina», InterContinental Hotel etc.
2010 – The Jewellery House ZARINA. Offical Painting and Drawing presentation. The Jewellery House ZARINA. Kyiv, Ukraine.
2009 – «Сigar Clun Evening». The hotel Vozdvyzhensky. Kyiv, Ukraine.
2007 – «Unhurried Soft Touch». Painting, Portrait. Silver Bells Gallery. Kyiv, Ukraine.
2005 – «All Fuss of the Earth Was Gliding Past… ». The Gryphon Gallery. Kyiv, Ukraine.
2010 –"Fine Art in Interior” Art-Fair. The Spiritual Treasures of Ukraine Museum. Kyiv, Ukraine. 2009 – Ukrainian Art Week: International Exhibition of Contemporary Arts. Central House of Artists of National Artist Union of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine. 2009 – Luxury Temptation Fairy Fair. Auction. Exhibition. Alex Art House, Kiev, Ukraine. 2008 – Luxury Temptation Fairy Fair. The Second International Luxury Exhibition. The personal project. 2008 – Art-Kiev-2008 International Art Fair. Kyiv, Ukraine. 2007 – Art-Kiev-2007 International Art Fair. Kyiv, Ukraine. OTHER EXHIBITIONS, projects, auctions: 2016 – Charitable Auctions: Center of the Modern Art, art-space “Barvy”. 2011 – Charitable Auction of Liszt Charity Concert. (September, InterContinental Hotel). 2011 – Charitable Auction of Carribian Nights of Kiev Сigar Club Ball (August). 2011 – Charitable Auction of Big Smoke Kiev Сigar Club Ball (March). 2010 – Charitable Christmas Presidential Ball of Kiev Сigar Club (December). 2010 – Participation in charitable auctions: «Artists to Children» (The center of children's cardiology and heart surgery, on April, 28th 2010) 2009 – Participation in the project of a writing of the book of fairy tales «Magic fairy tales of soul». 2005-2006 – The artworks were exposed in Lada Gallery, Sofiyskaya Gallery. 2005 – "Following the brush", Series of Exhibitions & Round-table discussions, Tokyo, Kyoto. 2005 – Exhibition of the artists of 2005. The Gryphon Gallery. Kyiv, Ukraine.
Portrait of artist O.Akasi. The Chmelnitzky State Museum Collection // All Ukraine. Encyclopaedia. Kiev. 2004. Artists of Ukraine. Reference Album On Creative Work And Biography. 4th issue. 2006. 5th issue.2008. 6th issue.2011. S.Zheleznjak. Fine arts. Textbook On Technics Of Painting. Kiev. 2006. Art-Kiyv-2007. Catalogue. Kiev. 2007. Art-Kiyv-2008. Catalogue. Kiev. 2008. United Art Rating. Issues 14-17. Reference book. Moscow. 2008-10. Fairy Tales of the Kind Soul. Kiev. 2009 (Book of tales of contemporary authors). Luxury Temptation Fair. Catalogue. Kiev. 2009. «The Gold Book of Ukraine. Select Ukrainian!» Catalogue. Kiev. 2010. New Faces in Arts. International Catalogue. 2009-2010. Art Olympus of Ukraine. Catalogue. Kiev. 3th issue. 2011. А. Grell. I. Gohr. Artwork: Оlga. Akasi. Album (exclusive hand-worked). Issues 1-11th. Akasiartstudio. 2005-2016.
PUBLICATIONS (IN UKRAINIAN, ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, GERMAN): Генеральный Директор, Weekend, Die Neue Welt der Kunst, Mirror of Week, Gallery of Drinks and Delicacies, The Day Newspaper, Fashion News, Business Class Magazine, Time Z, Афиша («Персона»), Киевские Ведомости, Газета по-киевски, Вся Неделя, Демократична Украiна, Contrast, Newspaper On-Ukrainian, Kiev Region, Your Time, etc.
TV & RADIO: TET Channel, Kiev TV, UTR 1, ICTV, KRT, The Kiev Russia TV, Funkjournal am Donnerstag (Radio Ukraine International), City TV etc. TV & RADIO: - «Beauty Will Rescue the World» // The teleprogram "To see". May, 2005, The channel «TET». - The report on Olga Akasi's personal exhibition. May, 2005. The channel «Kiev». - Broadcast about creativity of the artist Olga Akasi. Funkjournal am Donnerstag // Radio Ukraine International. 30. 09.2007. (in German). - Art-Kiev 2007: Interview with Olga Akasi // Funkjournal am Donnerstag // Radio Ukraine International. November 2007 (in German). - Art-Kiev 2008: The report on Olga Akasi's personal project // UTR TV. November 2008. - Luxury Temptation Fairy Fair 2008: Interview with Arthur Grell, manager of O. Akasi // UTR TV. December 2008. - Ukrainian Art Week: Interview with kurators and artists // UTR TV. November 2009. - “Holiday of a brush, colour and burst of applause”. Ukrainian Art Week // ICTV. “Facts”. 21.11.2009. - «Morning on television channel KRT» // KRT TV // Live broadcast with O. Akasi, M. Paewic. December 19, 2009. - "From classics to the jazz. Subject" // 2013. Interview with O. Akasi. © Author: Oleg Semko © Vinnitska ODTRK Вiнтера - "Gallery Intershik. Anniversary"// 2012. © Vinnitska ODTRK Everest