Sergeevich Kuznetsov

Russia • Moscow • born in 1989 • artist
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Born in 1989 in the Kalmyk ASSR. After the collapse of the USSR in 1994, the family returned to Astrakhan, in the small village of Volodarsky from which they themselves came. There he spent his childhood and adolescence. Since 2000, he studied at the Children's Art School No. 16 — there are a large number of diplomas and certificates, he twice became a governor's scholarship and was awarded a trip to the open air in Sochi. In 2006 he entered the Astrakhan Art College. P.A. Vlasova. Over 5 years of study at the school, he became the Governor's scholarship three times, participated in regional exhibitions of the Union of Artists, and a participant in an outdoor plein air in 2008. to the Caucasus (Mahar, Tiberda, Dombay), to Kalmykia 2009 (south-regional plein air “Bumbin Orn”), Gelendzhik, to Moscow 2010 (Delphic Games) held 4 solo exhibitions. He defended the diploma on the subject “Royal hunting of the 18th century ”and then in 2011 he entered the Ural State Academic Administration (now Ural State Academic Administration) of Yekaterinburg. Immediately after admission, he took part in the painting of the temple to Seraphim of Sorovsky on the street. It is clear in Yekaterinburg 3 and writes there 3 independent paintings (fathers of the church and Jesus the Almighty), as well as in many collective paintings (for example: Christ's entrance to Jerusalem). 2011-12-12. From 2012 to 2013 he served in the Russian army , then resumed his studies and is now finishing his studies preparing for a graduation project. During his studies, he participated in national and international exhibitions, competitions, in the project “Creating Save” 2014-2015 in the city of Yekaterinburg and its regions, St. Petersburg and Pskov.
. An artist-painter by education and is engaged in genre painting, excelled in portraiture and landscape. Develops the themes of the military historical genre, as well as the plots of everyday life and mythology. Working on a historical portrait of A.S. Pushkina Maxim ranks first in the international competition of painting portraits and became a laureate in other competitions, “Ural Worker” notices the artist’s originality and after the interview writes a positive article and also the newspaper “Evening Yekaterinburg”. But the picture “An Unforgettable Past” was noted and taken to the All-Russian exhibition “Faces of Russia” in 2016 .. In 2018, two works “WORLD, LABOR, MAY” and “Battle Banner” are already underway at the exhibition “Great Ural”. The young artist Maxim Kuznetsov is always original and relevant in his creative work. At the moment, is in the youth section of the Union of Artists of Russia.
All-Russian and international exhibitions.
1. 3rd degree diploma in the 7th All-Russian contest of painting of young artists "Tyumen Starfall" 2014.
2. 3rd degree diploma in the 9th open All-Russian Festival of Students' Artistic Creativity "Arch prospect-2014" nomination painting.
3. 3rd degree diploma in the international painting competition "Ural Art Week" nomination: genre painting 2015.
4. 3rd degree diploma in the international painting competition "Ural Art Week" portrait. 2015
5. 2nd-degree diploma at the Vladimir Art Week 2015 International Painting Competition
6. 3rd degree diploma in the international painting contest "Volga Art Week" 2016
7. 1st degree diploma at the ART PORTRAIT international painting portrait competition in Moscow. 2016.
8. Member of the Forum "Tauris", a change of artists, sculptors and art historians.
9. Member of the All-Russian exhibition "Faces of Russia" 2016-17.
10. A participant in the Great Ural Zone Exhibition, Chelyabinsk.
11. Participant of the festival "Museum Night", Yekaterinburg.

Regional and city exhibitions.
1. Participant of the open air exhibition "Creating Save"
2. The exhibition "Traditional Autumn Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture" of the Union of Artists of Yekaterinburg.
3. Exhibitions "Victory" (dedicated to the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45) from 04/22 to 04/27/2015, "Youth Exhibition" from 10/07/07/08/2015, the exhibition of paintings "Magic of Green" from 10/09 to 3/10/2015 .
4. Participation in exhibitions of the Sverdlovsk Agricultural Union - “Self-portrait” 2015-2016. and “Starting from a meter” in 2015, an exhibition following the results of the forum “Tavrida” 2016., and an exhibition dedicated to the Crimea in 2017.
5. A participant in the regional traditional “Autumn Exhibition” of the Sverdlovsk Agricultural Exhibition of 2018.
6. Participant of the exhibition "Day E" in honor of the city.

Personal exhibitions.
1. 2008. personal exhibition in the walls of the exhibition hall of the Astrakhan Art College. P.A. Vlasova.
2 2009 personal exhibition in the walls of the Astrakhan College of Music. Mussorgsky.
3. 2010 personal exhibition in the exhibition hall of the cafe chocolate in Astrakhan.
4.2011 personal exhibition in the walls of the exhibition hall of the Astrakhan Art College. P.A. Vlasova.
5.2016 personal exhibition in the walls of the Ural State Autonomous Academy of Arts.
6.2018 Personal exhibition in the House of Officers of the Central Military District on May 9 and the 167th anniversary of the Railway Troops.
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