"Cosmic Xalaharias All Legends of the Universe."

Nina Rassen • Painting, 2023, 2000×3000 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Technique: Acrylic
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 2023
Size: 2000×3000 cm
Region: Moscow
Owner: Nina Rassen
Artwork in selections: 1 selection

Description of the artwork «"Cosmic Xalaharias All Legends of the Universe."»

"Cosmic Xalaharias All Legends of the Universe."
Canvas, Acrylic
3 meters *2 meters Weight 30 kg
Series: Dreams

Xalahar and Xalahara are a type of flying space cheetah in translation presumably from the Lemuro-Atlantean language ( translation: lord and lordess).
Not to be confused with the Griffons, Shedu, Lamassu and Anzud.
#xalahar #xalahara #ninarassen