Description of the artwork «"Reconciling the 4 Elements. Birth of a Dream."»
I intended this energy painting as a Declaration of the Origin of the Dream realization and the essence of the origin of energy.
It magically combines the 4 elements:
Earth - the basis of our entire material world, our Mother and creator, is fertility, abundance and wealth.
Fire - the most lively, active and vibrant element, it is the energy of change, desire and passion.
Water - element of purity, subconsciousness, love and emotions. Water magic - healing of soul and body.
Air - the element of intellect, the realm of thought that precedes all creativity. Air magic is transparent and pure and is a powerful flow that can dispel longing and is able to visualize the future.
At the center there is a rotation of these energies merging into one new energy - the The Fifth Element (Ether, Information Field, magical energy).
Aether Element - is the space of possibilities, which allows you to reveal the desires of the Soul and open your possibilities and purpose. It is living matter, carrying the potential of information, infinite universal energy, eternal engine, from which the World is created.
The painting is done on round canvas, texture paste and oil paints. It does not need a frame, the ends are painted.