About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Graphics
Technique: Ink
Materials: Paper
Size: 42×60 cm
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Description of the artwork «Drone hunters»

600mm×420mm, A2, 2024g, pens, marker, paper

Based on a photo from an article in the newspaper "AiF"

The painting depicts three BARS fighters with the call signs "Castle", "Shchuka", and "Amar" framed by a floral ornament with silhouettes of flying ducks and a signature in Old Slavonic script woven into the ornament.

The perception of the painting's meaning is designed for the observer's gradual approach. When viewed from afar, the overall tonal frame composition is encompassed, with the silhouettes of the ducks most clearly visible.
As I get closer, the image becomes more detailed, and the eye sees the figures of uniformed men. A step closer, and it is clear that the sprawling, dark pile in the center is a mangled, downed drone. The caption, clearly readable at close range, also testifies to the same.
Coming even closer, you can consider all the details and complex interlacing in the ornament, the eye is lost, unfocused, the flow of feverish thoughts in the head subsides, and intuitive thinking comes into force.

The general sense is built up in a chain of impressions: Ducks-Hunters-Drones-Slavic font-Stylized folk ornament.

And everything in general is an allusion to Vasnetsov's painting "The Three Bogatyrs", thus confirming the fixed fairy tale pattern that there have always been, are and will be heroes on the native land.