Nikiforovich Pitanin

Russia • Saint Petersburg • 1935−2013

Biography and information

St. Petersburg architect, painter, poet. member of the Union of Architects of Russia.
Born on October 12, 1935, Petropavlovsk-Kazakhsky. After graduating in 1959 from the Dnepropetrovsk Construction Engineering Institute, he was assigned to the construction of military facilities in the Gatchina district. In 1966, he graduated by correspondence from the I.E. Repin Institute of Art History with a specialty in art history. From the beginning of the 60's until the end of the 80's he worked in design institutes in Leningrad (Lenaeroproject, Lengiprogaz, Lengiprostrom). This period is mainly associated with the design of industrial facilities (DSK-7, Parnas industrial zone and more than a hundred facilities in St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region and the USSR). By his projects he created original buildings in places of historical development. Author of several poetry collections and books on the history of St. Petersburg. At the end of the 80's he moved to work in LenZNIIEP, then created his own company - ASP "STILOBAT". Since 2006 he has been carrying out projects for SC "Dalpiterstroy", where in the person of the head of the company A. A. Skorov he found a single-minded industrialist. A. Skorov found a like-minded person who financed the author's experiments in the field of synthesis of architecture and sculpture. Graphics and painting, poems and poems emphasize the versatility of V.N. Pitanin's giftedness. He himself designs his articles, town-planning solutions - these are also works of graphic art. They fully express the mood of the creator, his inherent mood and interest in the world around him and his vitality. In his works Vasily Nikiforovich is always true to himself: respect for his country, for St. Petersburg, for his contemporaries and ancestors determines the basis of his poetic creativity, as diverse as the work of an architect and an artist. Vasily Nikiforovich's architectural work in St. Petersburg continued for more than 50 years. He died on February 25, 2013 in St. Petersburg.