Alekseevich Kharlamov

Russia • 1840−1925

Biography and information

Kharlamov received academic education (1857-1868) under the direction of A. Makarova. His final work, the Return of the prodigal son was awarded the gold medal and the right to pensioner's trip abroad, being in which he visited Germany, France, Belgium and England. Of trip A. Kharlamov brought among other things highly appreciated by a copy of Rembrandt's Anatomy of Dr. Tulip. However, a follower of the great Dutch artist A. Kharlamov did not. He focused on creating portraits of his contemporaries, and Scriptures of numerous studies of children's heads, figures, genre scenes. The painter had a certain success and recognition. A. A. Kharlamov — member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions (1872), in 1874 he was awarded the title of academician.

Painter, primarily a portraitist; b. in 1842, in Saratov; twelve years old he began to attend classes of the Imperial Academy of arts, which was listed as a student of Professor of A. T. Markov. During the passage of the academic year received for their achievements in drawing and painting small silver. medals in 1857 and 1862, two large silver. medals in 1863 and written by the program of the painting "Baptism of Kiev" a little gold. the medal in 1866 For the performance of the other paintings on the specified contest theme: "the prodigal son returns to the family home" (náchod. in the Museum of the Academy) was awarded in 1868 great. gold. the medals and the following year went to foreign lands as a pensioner of the Academy. Visiting Berlin, worked in Paris under L. Bonn, hence made excursion into Belgium and Holland, where, in the Hague, wrote, by order of the SPb. AKD. hood., an excellent copy of a painting by Rembrandt "the anatomy Lesson" (nah. in music. Akad.). After he settled in Paris where he lives and currently. In 1874, sent to SPb. on the academic painting exhibition, "Head Italian", "the Poor musician" and "Head of mordovski" and a copy of the above received the title of academician. 1872 is a member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions, which are new works almost every year. X. specialty are portraits, graceful women's and children's heads and simple scenes from the life of children. The nature of its painting, colorful and juicy, it is somewhat akin to his Paris head, Bonn.