Ivanovna Poret

Russia • 1902−1984

Biography and information

Painter. Thesis in the CVC "Four at the table."

A close friend of Harms. Pupil P. N. Filonova, member of the MAI team

(Masters of analytical art). Actively cooperated in the children's sector

State Publishing House, and after - Detgiz. House Poret in the 1930s. was

literary and musical salon. "Poets came to us to read new poems,

and Daniel Harms believed that nowhere do they laugh so much and have fun ", -

She recalled (Maria Veniaminovna Yudina. Articles. Memoirs. Materials.

M., 1978. p. 49). Her "Memories of Harms" (abbreviated edition)

published in the "Panorama of Arts. Vol. 3" (Moscow, 1980).