Valentinovich Andriyevich

Russia • 1908−1985

Biography and information

1908 was Born in bele, Sedletskaya province.

1924-1927 Beginning work in the field of poster, classes in the Studio of M. Yakimenko-Zabuhy in Kursk.

1927-1930 Artist and performer in the workshops of the State academic theatre of Opera and ballet in Leningrad.

1938 Making the puppet show "snow Queen" based on the play by Eugene Schwartz in the Moscow regional theatre of dolls.

1942-1954 the Artist-the designer dolls and the author of posters of the Central puppet theatre in Moscow.

1950s Begins to illustrate books for Detgiz, the publishing house "Children's world", draw for the magazines "pioneer", "Funny pictures" and other.

1985 Died in Moscow.

[7(20).V.1908 - 13.III.1985] artist-puppeteer, graphic Illustrator and cartoonist. Born in D. Verzhbolovo, Suwalki lips. in a military family. Childhood and teenage years were spent in Kursk. He studied drawing at the art Studio at Kursk artist M. N. Yakimenko-Zabuhy. A. along the way he earned a living in Kursk, the Club of workers of education, where he wrote the posters, designed productions of dramatic theater, to make furniture. In 1926 A. he moved to Leningrad where he continued his studies in the Studio of drawing, while working as a poster artist and roustabout at the Mariinsky theatre. In 1930 he designed a lot of performances in the drama theaters on the periphery - in the theatres of Engels, Aleksandrovsk on Sakhalin, Yekaterinburg and Tula. In 1938 he debuted at the Moscow regional puppet theatre, and in 1941 became its Director, where A. was a producer, puppeteer, and artist. Played with dolls and at the front. Especially popular among the soldiers enjoyed the romance Nazi Fuhrer on the music of ancient Russian romance "We only know how strange..." with the new text of Blagininoy. From 1944 A. became the main artist of the Central theatre of dolls of S. V. Obraztsova. He is the author of puppet plays for adults, as "an Ordinary concert" (1946), which is the second edition of 1966 was called "the Unusual concert", "Daughter", the tragicomedy "Under the rustle of your eyelashes" (1949), of numerous tales for children, etc., and also the author of interiors, posters, etc. In 1954 A. started out as a children's book Illustrator, creating drawings for books by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, E. moshkovskii, and others also Collaborated with the children's magazine "Murzilka". As a graphic artist A. participated in 13 exhibitions. In 1960 he had a solo exhibition. Died and buried in Moscow.

Lit.: Helen Lutsky. Valentin Andrievich. Publishing house "Soviet artist. Moscow. 1978.