Dmitrievich Anikin

Russia • 1944−1998

Biography and information

12.06.1944, der. Chistki Bor district of Gorky region – 11.08.1998, Chelyabinsk), painter, member. CX USSR (1987). He graduated from the Gorky arts. Uch-school (1968). Studied with V. V. Shavyrina. In Person. 1969. Party. (1970), zones. (5-8) proceedings of all-Union., youth exhibitions: Tyumen (1980), Sverdlovsk (1985), barrow (1991), Ufa (1997-98), Moscow – “Earth and people” (1984), “the Artist and time” (1987), “Artists of Chelyabinsk” (1989). Persons. exhibition A. – 1st (1980) and 2nd (1991) – was held in CHOKH, posthumous exhibition in the exhibition hall of the artists Union in Person. (1999). The period of formation of world Outlook and creative. principles A. came in the time of the birth of a new aesthetic of owls. art – “severe style”. Already in the beginning of the path to determine the values of the artist: the conventionality of language. painting and understanding of color, light, form, space; sincerity and uncompromising positions. The first period of creativity of A. – Con. 1960s– 1970s – the time it would be seestr. the conflict of the artist with traditional realistic. portray. system, the opposition of life and art common official. the image of thought and creativity. The result of the work: “the Writer A. N. Shusharin” (1978), “Mother and son”, “Portrait of Vadim Shavyrina”, “Sunday” (1979), “Kill the wolf”, “Portrait of Vladimir Soloviev”, etc. Later, reveals the synthesis of color and light space as educator. unity, evidenced by the work: “Dancing in Akbasheva” (1981), “Spring break” (1983), “Dinner” (1987), “Milk for the morning” (1988), “On the beach” (1989). Book graphics was submitted to A. Fig. to collection dramatic. poems famous the Urals. poet K. V. Skvortsova (“the Western tribune”, “Kurchatov”), released. YUUKI (1987). Second persons. the exhibition showed the current EXT. the world and the corresponding unique style, lang. artist. Since that time, A. is a recognized authority in the person of arts. environment. In 1992 A. joined the group “Tradition”, and participated in its exhibitions – the 1st, 2nd, 4th and posthumously – in the 5th. Mat-scrap for 3rd period, art became his own. life. the experience of the artist, reached the top of a genuine tragedy in the last years of his life (the 1990s). This is the time of creation of the canvases: “Motherhood” (series), “open window”, “Nude”, “Horse with foal” (1994) and other stories, inspired by der. Goldyreva and its environs. Proizv. A. are part of the achievements of the arts of Russia con. The 20th century, are creative. a document of its era. Paintings A. are stored in the Altai regional Museum will represent. and applied arts (Barnaul), Perm state arts. Gal., Ekaterinburg Museum will depict. arts, COCH, as well as in private collections.

(author: G. S. Trifonova)

Lit.: Tradition: CA. paintings art. about the Deposit: Cat. H, 1993; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996; Tr I f o n o in and About the City of life and death // Autograph. Chelyabinskand. 1998. No. 3; f o K I n K. Character of prayer // Delovoy Ural (H). 1999. 22 Jan.; T R I f o n o V and G. the secret essence of painting Nikolai Anikin // Autograph. Chelyabinskand. 2000. No. 2.

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