Nikolaevich Anokhin

Russia • born in 1926

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Honored artist of the RSFSR.

Landscape painter Yury Anokhin was born may 2, 1926 in Moscow. He graduated from the Moscow regional art school of memory of 1905, then of the Moscow state Institute. V. I. Surikov. Consisted of the Union of artists of the USSR since 1956, was repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

The main theme of the works of Yuri Anokhin – Russian harmony of man and nature in Central Russia, the delicate relationship of the inner and emotional experiences of the characters with the world around them. In the design of this theme Yuri Anokhin used their own methods, demonstrating the close intertwining of the artist's mind of centuries-old experience of the Moscow school of painting and your personal creative temperament. For his landscape works are characterized by a specific "alignment" of the composition, giving a "picture" character sketch work, the dynamic structure of elements and saturation of colors.

The most famous work of Yuri Anokhin - "a Clearing", "Spring breath", "the First sun of spring", "Blue dawn", "Cranes", "Autumn song", "the Last ray", "Burning night," "cranes fall", "Crimson evening," "early spring", "the outskirts", "Autumn lace", "Lake", "Frost". The landscape painter is one of the Central places in Pereslavl-Zalessky Museum, art Museum of Ivanovo, in the city of Frunze Museum. Levitan in ples, Zagorsk artistic-Museum, Penza art gallery, art gallery of Smolensk.

Activities combining visual freshness and lightness with deep saturation, the power stroke of composition, reflect the emotional experiences of the master. To them for decades attracted the interest of connoisseurs of Russian painting.

Yury Anokhin is one of the landscape painters, who took a direct part in the formation of original Russian landscape style. The creative realization of the master, his artistic style changed throughout activities, improved and developed. At the same time, always remaining in line with the genre of landscape. Early works Anokhin has expressed the emotional movement of the human soul. In the 60-ies of XX century, the world of nature transformirovalsya in the creative interpretation of the artist, passing by paintings of his own ideas and thoughts.

Landscapes Yuri Anokhin was presented at personal exhibitions in the period from 1971 to 1975 the Exposition repeatedly udostoivalis ' high evaluation from experts in the field of painting, the works were widely noted in the media, including foreign ones. Universal recognition of Yury Anokhin as one of the brightest and most talented singers of nature in the history of Russian painting, as well as the constant public interest in his work has provided the artist a Central role in the treasure house of Russian artistic culture of the last century. Thus, the relevance and value of the works of Yuri Anokhin in the XXI century are still at a high level. As at all times, remains valuable to the striking beauty of Russian nature and vivid gamut of human emotions.

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