Alekseevich Arapov

Russia • 1905−1948

Biography and information

He painted landscapes, still lifes and portraits.

Born in Saint-Petersburg. First painting lessons received from Hans van Bergler, later Professor of the Vienna Academy of arts. In 1921-1922 he studied at the Saratov art school at V. M. Yustitskogo. Since 1923 he lived in Moscow. In 1925 he left the theatre "curve mirror" on tour to Warsaw and never returned to the USSR. Settled in Paris, where he became acquainted with M. Larionov, N. With. Goncharova, I. M. Zdanevich, I. A. Puni and A. M. Lansky. In 1930 he moved to Boston (USA). In the 1930s he became interested in iconography. Created a series of paintings "the Passion of the Lord" (1935). Died in a car crash near Boston.