Was born in 1945. in Czernowitz.
1972. - graduated from the Leningrad State Conservatory in violin class of Professor B. A. Sergeeva.
As a violinist he worked in many orchestras of the Leningrad Radio and Television, the Maly theatre of Opera and ballet. M. P. Mussorgsky musical Comedy Theatre, State Symphony orchestra, etc.
As the artist gained fame after participating in the sensational exhibitions of the underground ' 70s in Leningrad.
Member of the Association of Russian artists in Paris.
In many countries of the world held his personal exhibitions (USA, Germany, France, Sweden).
Repeated participant of exhibitions "Autumn salon" in Paris. V. Afanasyev, a well-known invention of a unique system of functional relations of colors and sounds that allow to perceive music in color.
System color - sound relationships involves the discovery of laws which man must obey a certain group of colors for the adequate manifestation of the algorithm contained in the notation. Defined space melody, tonality, functional inclinations. For the first time in history it is shown that the same sound can be characterized by 3 distinct colors depending on how they occupy the spatial positions. This discovery, patented as an invention in France and Russia, supported by Russian Academy of Sciences and the International organization UNESCO.
Now in the experimental laboratory of the Institute of Metrology named. D. Mendeleev (St. Petersburg) is a confirmation of the registration from the point of view of mathematics, physiology and psychology, which attracted scientists from around the world.
Clear indication of open scenic side is the picture of "Chaconne" (Bach), written by V. Afanasiev.
This work was exhibited at the "Autumn salon" (Paris, 1996) and several other Parisian exhibitions at the V International festival of arts "Sergey Oskolkov and his friends".
Currently, V. Afanasyev conducts active cooperation with the Mariinsky theatre, where preparations are underway for the staging of several operas in concert performance with the use of his color - sound system.