Pupil of the Moscow School of painting, sculpture and architecture. In 1866 he received small and large silver medals; 1872-the title of class artist of 1 degree for the painting "Workshop of the cobbler." (Kondakov)
Yakov Stepanovich Bashilov did not leave the rave reviews and positive memories. Information about his life and work a bit. It is known that he graduated from the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, which proved to be a consistent genre painter. For qualifying the title he had to present their work at one of the annual academic exhibitions. Obviously, for his work "the chess Game" (in the life of Ivan the terrible) Ya. Bashilov received in 1869 the title of class artist of the third degree, which corresponded to the lowest, XIV class among civilian officials. No doubt both — the skill level of the painter was quite high.
In 1872, for the painting "the cobbler's workshop", visited the academic exhibition, J. S. Bashilov was awarded the title artist of the first degree. And it has already been recognized. Finally, arguments in favor of the merits of genre painting J. S. Bashilova are the facts of finding these patterns in the leading museums of the country: in the Russian and the Tretyakov gallery. Minor creation in these collections do not fall.