Egorovich Belyakov

Russia • born in 1834

Biography and information

An auditor student at the Academy of fine Arts from 1853 till 1863, Received a medal in 1855-2 silver; in 1856-2 silver; in 1857-1 silver; in 1859-1 silver. In 1863 the title of class artist of 3 degrees. (Kondakov)

The artist, stripped to the elbows of the arms, was born in 1834; from 1853 to 1864 he studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, and, despite batrachia, had such notable success that was awarded two large silver medals and the title of the artist (III degree) for sketches and drawings. In 1863, in consideration of the hard work Belyakova, he, at the request of the August President of the Academy, was granted a pension. Of his works in 1860 he exhibited the painting "Olympic games", in 1861 - "the ferryman who takes the souls in the river Styx," in 1870 - "Family portrait G. S.", and in 1889 - 2 portrait.

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