Sergeyevich Bobrov

Russia • 1929−2001

Biography and information

Born in 1929 in the village of osinki in Vladimir region. In 1947 he graduated from the art school of “Proletarian art” in Mstera in Vladimir region. 1950 Vladimir graduated from vocational art school. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1965. Member Of The Board Of Podolsk Art Workshop. Honored artist of Russia since 1997. Party-Union, Republican, regional exhibitions in the cities of the former USSR.

Born in 1929 in the village of osinki in Vladimir region. He studied at the Mstera, and then in the Vladimir art school. Since the early 60-ies lives and works in Podolsk. Honored artist of Russia. Participant of exhibitions of the highest rank. Vladimir land forever became for the artist the epitome of Russian nature. Motifs of landscapes is simple: shed, or house of the village, horses grazing in a meadow near the forest - everything is painfully familiar and sweet to our hearts. Works of the artist are in Russian museums, in private collections of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, purchased in art gallery of the city of Podolsk.

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