Zakharovna Bogatyr

Russia • born in 1945

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

She was born 24 Jun 1945 in Kiev.

With twelve years lived in Moscow, where received a higher artistic education.

At twenty-four became a member of the Union of artists, section of painting.

The world of her painting – "Transparent space".

It is a world of mental images.

"In my youth I have set a goal to recreate the canvas the world as it is he me: beautiful, mysterious, fragile, never comprehensible to the end; full of misery and happiness..."

It's just how it worked to us. Now it is our turn.

Creativity of any artist, whether he likes it or not, this way of knowledge = the world, like art in General, confession and the history of mankind."

Her individual goal was the result of an official art and the mainstream of the underground.

Creativity of Svetlana Bogatyr in the Soviet period it was virtually inaccessible to the public. As mentioned in such cases, "widely known in narrow circles". Her work can be seen mainly on a small solo exhibitions closed. She is a member of the independent exhibitions of the beginning of perestroika.

The first full exhibition 1990 exhibition hall of Moscow, Kuznetskiy most, according to statistics, has become the most popular of the past in this chamber over the preceding 15 years.

Since 1991, her life is divided between Russia and France.

22 solo and over 50 group exhibitions.

Works are in museums and private collections of Russia, Europe and America.

"I love Russia nonstrange love that they don't want and can't win mind. If circumstances are such that part time I am in France, I'm learning to love her, because love is limitless."

The works of the artist:

- The book-album "Personal universe", Moscow, 2008, p. 168

The book, co-authored with S. Schatz, "Three of a feat of Sumburk", Palo Alto - Tallinn, 2004, p. 175

- "Letter to Marina Bessonova" in the book "Marina Bessonova. Selected works", pp. 318-322, 2004, Moscow

- The magazine "Terra Nova", the text "Secrets of the garden of forking paths" No 5, November 2005, USA

- The magazine "People", the text "What am I doing and why", p. 128-134, January, 1991

In the directory of the failed exhibition: "S. Bogatyr, Y. Zheltov, N. Posada, D. Terekhov", Moscow, 1989


Magazine "Art", N10, 1983, Moscow

- The Jefferson Inaugural Freedom Ball in honor of the President of the United States, January 19, 1985, Washington

Journal "Creativity", N 12, 1986, Moscow

- The magazine "Art News", October, 1987, United States.

- The Magazine "Art", N 12, 1988, Moscow

Journal "Creativity", N. 1, p. 23, 1989, Moscow

- Tchaikovsky V. "Interaction of arts" in the book "art and literature", 1990, Moscow

- Sovietext(e): Structures of Everyday Life in the Soviet Union, Columbia University, 1990, USA.

- The Magazine "Ogonek", N 7, 1990, Moscow

Newspaper "Izvestia": "Transparent space" November 17, p. 3, 1990

Newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets": "Out of obscurity" November 18, 1990

- The newspaper "Moskovskaya Pravda": "the Personal exhibition of Svetlana Bogatyr" November 16, 1990

Newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva", November 15, 1990

The newspaper "Leisure in Moscow": a "Transparent space" November 24, 1990

Newspaper "Moscow artist". M. Bessonova: "Space Svetlana Bogatyr", page 3, November 30,1990 .Moscow

- The Agency "Interfax": "Svetlana Bogatyr. Transparent space" November 23, 1990

- Bulletin of the APS "For the Soviet Union": "I do my world" page 3, December 5, 1990

- The newspaper "Soviet Culture", p. 11, December 8, 1990

- The magazine "Musical life", March, 1991, Moscow

- People magazine, No. 1, pp. 128-132, 1991, Moscow

- The magazine "Literary studies" , pp. 47-50, N 4, 1991, Moscow

- The magazine "Soviet music", N 2, 1991, Moscow

- The newspaper "Culture", interview with Vladimir Tchaikovsky "Svetlana Bogatyr: I don't care about a career," 10-11, may 21, 1994, Moscow

"The Sewickley Herals” September 14, 1994, United States.

"The Sewickley Herals” September 21, 1994, United States.

- "Tribune Review” September 25, 1994, United States.

- The magazine "Art News", October, 1994, United States.

- The magazine "Art News", December, 1994, United States.

- "Pittsburgh Post Gazette” October, 1994, United States.

- "Pittsburgh” November, 1994, USA.

- "Newsletter” No. 29, February 1995, USA

Newspaper "Moscow artist": "Interview of art critic V. P. Zeltner with artist S. Bogatyr", pp. 4-5, August 20, 1995 Moscow

Newspaper "Russian thought", November 14, 1996, Paris, France

Newspaper "Literary newspaper", October 1, 1997 Moscow

Newspaper "New Russian word", September 8, 1997, USA

- People magazine, No. 1, pp. 133-136, 1998, Moscow

- Book V. Tchaikovsky "Surprise in Paris", p. 72-77, Moscow, 1999

Newspaper "Kultura", V. Chaykovskaya "Reconciliation space", p. 8, June 24, 1999, Moscow

Newspaper "Russkaya Mysl'": N. Rossokhina "Transparent art", p. 17, July 29, 1999, Paris, France

- Thesis N. E. Rassokhina "Transparent art Svetlana Bogatyr", 2001, Moscow state University, Historical faculty, Department of history of Russian art, Moscow

- "Impressions dArtistes", No 10, Déc., 2003, France: "Svetlana Bogatyr. Light and source of Thoughts."

- The magazine "Firma", O. Larionov "Svetlana Bogatyr", December 2003, Italy

Newspaper "Russkaya Mysl'": E. Yakunina, "the Image and the Number of" page 9, June 17, 2004, Paris, France

- The newspaper "Ouest-France", July 22, 2004, France

Newspaper “Le Maine”, July 25, 2004, France

- The Book "Marina Bessonova. Selected works", p. 222-228, 2004, Moscow

- The magazine "Terra Nova", No. 5, November 2005, USA

- The book "Bykovsky almanac", 2006-2007, Moscow


Personal exhibitions.

1977 – "Svetlana Bogatyr. Painting 1974-1977" University Of Tartu, Estonia

1977 – "Svetlana Bogatyr. Painting 1974-1977" Cultural Center, Tallinn, Estonia

1978 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. Painting" Cultural Center of the Institute of Nuclear Energy. Kurchatova, Moscow.

1979 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. Painting 1974-1979",a one-day private exhibition,House of artists,Kuznetsky bridge, Moscow

1982 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. Painting 1974-1977" Cultural Central House Of Workers Of Art, Moscow

1983 – Exhibition hall of artists, Vilnius, Lithuania

1988 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. Painting", Exhibition hall of all-Union Cardiological Center, Moscow

1989 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. Painting", Robson Fine Arts, Boston, USA.

1990 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. Retrospective painting 1974-1990", Exhibition hall house of artists, Kuznetsky bridge, Moscow

1991 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. Transparent space" INSERM, Port-Royal, Paris, France.

1993 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. New transparent space," the Russia House, Washinghton DC, USA

1994 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. The illusion of Space and Time ", International Images Gallery, Pittsburgh.

1996 - "Transparent space" Culture Center of Cachan, France

1999 - "Transparency", Culture Center "Art and Science", Paris, France

2002 - "Eidoses. Paintings, drawings" Fine Arts Palisades, Los Angeles, California, Etats-Unis

2003 - "Svetlana Bogatyr. Graphics" Les Presses Universitaires de France, Bd St-Michel, Paris

- "Painting, graphics ", Espasse Soussaline, 242 Bd. St. Germain, Paris

"We are of the world", Librairie Lettres Slaves, 76 Bd Brune, Paris

- "Svetlana Bogatyr. We are of the world", L'association Philomuses, 55 Quai des Grands Augustins , Paris

- "Svetlana Bogatyr. Paintings, drawings" Galerie "Art Present", Paris, France.

2004 - " Svetlana Bogatyr. Exhibition of drawings" Atelier dArchitecture de Yolande Borel, Paris

"Light, Image, Number," Chateau de Courtanvaux, France.

2005 - "Light, Image, Number," Institut de Neurobiologie de la Mediterranee (INMED), Marseille, France.

Major group exhibitions.

1966 – Exhibition of young artists. Moscow.

1966-1973 – Regular participation in exhibitions of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

1985 - Kennedy Center, Washington, USA

1987 - "the Artist and his epoch", Exhibition hall Kashirka, Moscow

1987 - "Retrospective of Soviet independent art 1957-1987", Exhibition hall "Hermitage", Moscow

1988 - "the Artist and time. The second exhibition", Exhibition hall of the House of Artists on Kuznetsky, Moscow

1988 "Geometry in art", Exhibition hall Kashirka, Moscow

- "Labyrinth", House Of Youth, Moscow

-"Soviet artists of Georgia" Cultural center of Georgia, Moscow

1989 - "Figuration Critique", Grand Palais, Paris.

1990 - "Art-MIF-90", Central house of artists, Moscow

- "Figuration Critique", Grand Palais, Paris.

1991 - "Exhibition of Soviet-French Association", Central house of artists, Moscow

- "Contemporary Soviet Art ", Century Gallery, London.

1992 - "Figuration Critique", Grand Palais, Paris.

1993 - Gallery Basmadjian, Paris.

1994 - International Images Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA

1995 - - Nouvelle Biennale de Cachan , Cachan, France

1997-1999 - Group Exposition, Cachan, France

- International Images Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA

- "Unknown Russia", Museum of Modern Russian Art, Jersey City, NY, USA

2000 - Group Exposition, Ceilloux-2000, France

- "Women of Russia", Museum of Modern Russian Art, Jersey City, NY, USA

2001 - Biennale de Cachan, Cachan, France - Biennale of graphics, Museum of Modern Russian Art, Jersey City, NY, USA

2002 Chemin d'art, Cachan, France Mimi Ferzt Gallery, New-York, USA

2003 -"Unknown Russia" Museum of Modern Russian Art, Jersey City, NY, USA

- Chemin d'art, Cachan, France

2004 - Biennale of art graphique , Stella Galerie, Paris

- "Russian Paris in new York", Museum of Modern Russian Art, Jersey City, NY, USA

2007 - Gallery "The New Hermitage", Moscow

2008 - "Zaripov and his collection", Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow

Works are in State Tretyakov gallery (Moscow), State Russian Museum (Saint-Petersburg), Museum of Fine Arts (Tbilisi), the Art Museum Jane Voorhees Zimmerly (USA) – collection of Norton and Nancy Dodge of nonconformist art from the Soviet Union, the Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (new Jersey, USA), collection INSERM (France), as well as in private collections of Russia, Europe and America.