Born and lives in Podolsk. He graduated from Moscow state academic art Institute. Surikov ( workshop of monumental art). 1999-2000 - participated in the ornamental paintings of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow Took part in Moscow Russian and regional exhibitions
Main exhibitions:
1991 - 1995 Personal in Podolsk
1995 - Central house of artists
1996 - 50 years of the MOOSKH CHA
1997 - Artists of Russia CHA
1999 - Moscow-St. Petersburg CHA
2000 is Dedicated to 2000 anniversary of Christianity, CHA
2001 - Faith, Hope, Love dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Raisa Gorbacheva. The Museum of modern art
2001,2002 - Irida
Born January 31, 1966 in the city of Podolsk. He graduated from Moscow state academic art Institute. V. I. Surikov (workshop of monumental art). Experience: 16 years. Member of the Section of artists monumentally-decorative art of the Moscow Union of artists, Moscow 1999 1999-2000 - participated in ornamental painting of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Involved in Moscow, Russian and regional exhibitions. Participated in over 60 exhibitions. Works are in Moscow in the exhibitions Department of the Russian Academy of arts, the Museum of Russian art in Bakhchisarai museums in Scherbinka, Podolsk, and also in private collections in Russia, England, France, Germany, India, South Korea, Italy.
Participation in exhibitions and auctions:
1991. 2001 2004. - Podolsk exhibition hall. Personal exhibitions.
1994. - the town of Gorokhovets. Exhibition of young Moscow artists
1995. - Podolsk, d/K Lepse. Solo exhibition.
1995. - Moscow. "Youth exhibition of the XXI-95"
1995. - Kolomna. "Exhibition Of Young Artists Of Moscow"
1995. - Moscow. Central house of artists "Exhibition of Young artists of Moscow"
1995. 1997 1999 2000. Youth at the Kuznetsk bridge in Moscow.
1995. 2001. – Moscow, Central house of artists, Solyanka str. Exhibitions of young Moscow artists.
1996. - Moscow. Central house of artists "50 years of the MOOSKH"
1997. - Moscow. "Blessing the land of joy"
1997. - Moscow. "Youth 97"
1997. – Moscow, Krutitskii Val. "Artists of Moscow 850 anniversary of Moscow".
1997. – Moscow, Central house of artists. "Moscow – 850".
1997. – Moscow, Central house of artists. "Artists of Russia – Moscow" (Russian).
1998. - Moscow. "Young artists of Moscow"
1999. – Moscow, Central house of artists. "Moscow – Petersburg".
1999. - Moscow. "Youth - 99"
1999. - Moscow. "Artist in architecture"
2000. - Moscow. "Youth-2000"
2000. - Moscow, Central house of artists. "Your Name"
2001. - Moscow. Workshop of monumental art. Prof., Acad. E. N. Maksimova
2001. - Moscow. "Irida"
2001. - Podolsk. Solo exhibition
2001. - Moscow. "Moscow eyes young"
2001. - Moscow, Starosadsky lane, 5. Solo exhibition.
2001. – Moscow, Museum of modern art. "Faith, Hope, Love", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of R. M. Gorbacheva.
2002. – Podolsk exhibition hall. "60 years of the battle of Moscow" (regional).
2002. – Moscow, Central house of artists. "Sculptors Of Monuments Of Moscow".
2002. - Moscow, "Manezh". 70 years of the Ministry of agriculture.
2003. - Podolsk, the Museum – estate of Ivanovskoe. Solo exhibition
2003. - Moscow, Museum of K. Vasiliev. Solo exhibition
2004. – Moscow, Kuznetsk bridge, 11. "50 years of the section of monumental art".
2004. – Podolsk exhibition hall. "75 years of Moscow region".
2004. – Moscow, Krutitskii Val. "Young sculptors of monuments of Moscow".
2004. – Podolsk exhibition hall. "There is no better Church in the Russian land", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Church of the Sign in Dubrovitsy.
2005-2006. – Personal exhibition in the library of Podolsk.
2005. – Moscow, Starosadsky, 5. "60 years of Victory".
2005. - Moscow, Krutitskii Val. "60 years of Victory".
2005. – Moscow, Starosadsky, 5. "Avant-garde".
2006. – Moscow, Krutitskii Val. "Exhibition of monumental art".
2006. – Moscow, Central house of artists. "Sculptors Of Monuments Of Moscow".
2006. – Moscow House of nationalities. "Exhibition dedicated to Easter."
2006. – Podolsk, Podolsk workshops. "The student years", "Summer wreath".
2006. - Moscow, Kuznetsk bridge, 11; Starosadsky lane, 5. "Sculptors Of Monuments Of Moscow".
2007. - Moscow, Starosadsky lane, 5. Solo exhibition.
Major monumental and decorative works in architecture:
1996. - Moscow, Leninsky PR-t, FITUR. The Painting "Summer." Tempera.
1996. - Podolsk, clinic, Grasshoppers. The painting "Marine landscape", "Autumn".
1999-2000 - Moscow, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Ornament. painting. Oil, acrylic.
2002. - Podolsk, the Museum-estate of Ivanovskoe. Ornament. painting. Acrylic.
2003. - Klimovsk, cafe "Gavan". Painted "Pirates". Acrylic.
2003. settlement Voronovo Mosk. ., school. The series of paintings "Tales", Scenery"
2003. - Moscow, the Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Yasenevo. 8 medallions "the Holy martyrs". Ornament Windows, arches and balconies.