Danilovich Buskin

Russia • born in 1945

Biography and information

Cardiologist, specialist in ultrasound diagnostics, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, full member of the Laser Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, the author more than 40 scientific publications, the chief doctor of the polyclinic of President Administration of the Russian Federation is, in addition, honored artist of Russia, was awarded a silver medal of ARTS. "I love the nature of Central Russia, like many other artists who lived before me and became all my life my teachers. I am a disciple of those who continued school of Russian realism in landscape painting. The landscape was the main theme in my work. To 28 years was engaged in that and copied the paintings of Russian artists - Shishkin, Savrasov, Polenov, Aivazovsky, Kuindzhi and other works of famous artists, and then set the task: based on the study of the work of Russian painters, the use of technology to create their own."