He graduated in 1914 Lubawskie school of painting, he worked as an engraver at one of the plants of liepāja. The events of the first world war, throw Waldman, first in Finland and then in revolutionary Petrograd. In 1918 he voluntarily joins the regiment of Latvian Riflemen, participated in the battles near Riga, Matawai and in the storming of Perekop. He was demobilised in 1924 from the army and not being able to return Home (Latvia became a bourgeois Republic), K. F. Waldman went full romanticgetaway Siberia. The artist was captivated by the handsome man Yenisei, the taiga, the mountains and the Krasnoyarsk with its beautiful surroundings. He stayed here forever. For the first time his work "Autumn day", "a View of Takmak village Bazaikha", "cityscape", "the embankment of the Yenisei" Waldman showed at the spring exhibition in 1926. Waldman's speech at the exhibition was well greeted by the public of Krasnoyarsk. His landscapes painted directly from nature, was juicy, filled with sun. Even more successful was the work of Waldman in the first Russian art exhibition in 1927 in Novosibirsk, especially "Taiga. The Nature Reserve "Stolby". Active participation for many years took K. F. Waldman in the design of the expositions of the Museum. He also belongs to the painting of the exterior walls of the Museum building, constructed under the project of the Krasnoyarsk architect Leonid Chernyshev. Along with artists E. S. Comitium K. F. Waldman painted Krasnoyarsk river station.