Vasilyevna Vasilyeva

Russia • born in 1946

Biography and information

Chart designer. He graduated from the Dagestan hood. Uch-school (1946). Honored. employee lawsuit-Rep. Komi. The Laureate Of The State. award Rep. Komi. Participant of exhibitions: mountains. in Syktyvkar, Rep. "Artists of the North" (Murmansk, 1989), "Russian North" (Kirov, 1998; Vologda, 2003), region. "The Soviet North" (Syktyvkar, 1979; Novgorod, 1984), proceedings of all-Union. "The youth of the country" (Moscow, 1976), watercolor and drawing (Leningrad, 1983), watercolors (Moscow, Vilnius, Yerevan, 1981; Leningrad, 1987), vseros. "Youth of Russia" (Moscow, 1972), "...thy Name" (Moscow, 2000). The – in NAT. the gallery Resp. Komi.

(Source: encyclopedia)

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