Vladimirovich Volkov

Russia • born in 1941

Biography and information

Born in 1941 on the station Novo-Andrew Sladkovsky area of the Tyumen region. He studied by Correspondence at the national University of the arts in Moscow ( 1972-1982) at the faculty of fine arts at E. P. Minin, G. N. Nagazine. A member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1982. Painter. Author of thematic paintings, landscapes, portraits. Participant of city, regional, zonal, Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions. Personal vysevki: 1981, 1991 (both from Tyumen, TMII). Proizvedeniya are TMII, in private collections of Russia, India, Romania, Poland, Austria, England, Cuba. Lives in Tyumen.

Tyumen artist Vladimir Volkov was born on March 14, 1941 at the station Novo-Andrew Sladkovsky area of the Tyumen region. The mother of the future artist worked as a stable boy and father went to the front, Volodya never saw. From childhood the future artist loved to draw, "drawing with chalk, drawing charcoal, drawing of solid piece on earth...".

After school wolves became a projectionist. Moved to Tyumen. He first exhibited his work at the regional exhibition of Amateur artists in 1966. Feeling that he lacks professionalism, in 1972, the young artist enrolled in people's University of arts in Moscow. He learned a lot and life itself, - in the observations on the nature, traveling around the country. Vladimir Vladimirovich - member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1982.

A real success story the artist brings the painting "thoughts about dad", which first appeared in the exhibition "the Earth Tyumen" in 1977. Heaven and earth, the train and the smoke of the locomotive, white talovy the boy's shirt. The picture is shocking in its brevity, in it a clot of life, a generation. Critics have pointed out in this work, Vladimir Volkov, "the big drama in the rigor of composition and restraint of color." This is not the only painting of the war. A series of his paintings is called "Memory of military years".

The second favorite theme of the artist is nature. Landscapes Volkova different in content and mood. It's quiet and lyrical paintings "a Spring day", "Northern village", "Cold rain," and such works as "the Tragedy of the taiga" -the disturbing heart, forcing to reflect on the future.

Much attention is paid to a painter of portraits. They Volkova not so much as landscapes, but each is a true work of art. The artist writes of those who him really interesting as a person and worker, whether of the Tyumen merchant.M. Chukmaldin, obdorsky missionary I. Shemanovsky (Irinarkh), the legendary G. Rasputin or our contemporaries - the singer and composer Yuri Gulyaev, "the light Keeper V. I. Glazkov," the young Indian poet Anil'.

V. V. Volkov was involved in many major regional, regional and all-Union exhibitions - "the Earth Tyumen", "Blue roads of the Motherland", "Ural socialist", "Soviet Russia". In Tyumen successfully held several personal exhibitions of the artist.

(In aid of the local history: materials for the calendar of memorable dates of the Tyumen region for the year 2002/Adam. Obl. scientific. b-ka. Local historian. Department.-Tyumen,2001.-P. 17-18.)

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