Ivanovich Glukhov

Russia • born in 1961

Born April 22, 1961 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Profession – painter.

Member of the Union of artists

Education - Art school. Olimova, Dushanbe. 1975-1981.g.

MGHI them. Surikov Moscow. 1981 – 1987

Teachers Habibulayev Zuhur Kurjanovich Dushanbe, Besperstov Alexey Tarasovich. Dushanbe, Ganiev Mahmoud Dushanbe.

Workshop academician Tsyplakova Moscow.

Main exhibitions:

"Experiment" exhibition in the halls of the artists ' Union of Tajikistan. Dushanbe.1988.

"Yauza" exhibition at the architectural Studio "acanthus" Moscow, 1994.

Participants – Azam Atahan, Vladimir Glukhov.

The exhibition in the foreign policy Association Moscow 1994 Participants – Azam atahan, Vladimir Glukhov.

Exhibition at the head office of "IBM" from the private collection of Tatiana Kolodzei Moscow 1994,

Apartment exhibition "On the Pipe" from the private collection of Vladimir Sychev educational Azam atahan, Yuri bondarovich, Vladimir Glukhov 1994 Moscow,

"ART Training" – participants Azam atahan, Alexander Chemakin, Vladimir Glukhov, Ivan Novozhenov, Oleg Slepov. Tyumen. 1996

Exhibition artmaneg. Moscow 1996

"Beyond syntax" personal exhibition in the Tyumen Museum of fine arts-arts. 1998

The exhibition "Artesian well" account. Oleg Fedorov, Anna Kosheleva, Alexander Chemakin, Vladimir Glukhov, Svetlana Lihosherstova, 2000 Tyumen.

Exhibition in house of culture "Geologist" 1999 academic Tyumen Alexander Chemakin, Vladimir Glukhov.

The exhibition is part of the rock festival "June storm" Tyumen 2000 academic Alexander Chemakin, Vladimir Glukhov.

Exhibition of miniature graphics in Novosibirsk – diploma of the 1st degree, 1999.

2nd international Biennale of graphics "White nights" St. Petersburg, 2004. Diploma.

3rd international Biennale of graphics "White nights" St. Petersburg, 2006. Diploma.

In addition to the above: all-Union, all-Russia, Republican, zonal, regional, interregional mobile, urban exhibition. Just over 30 exhibitions.

Works are in museums:

The Republican Museum. Behzod Dushanbe.

THMEI Tyumen

Tretyakov gallery, Moscow.

Works are in collections:

Vladimir Sychev – Paris

Aida Hop – Paris

A. and B. Laptsevich – Moscow

Tatiana Kolodzei – New-York

Goodwin – London

Peter Zhuravkova - Tyumen

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