Alekseevich Gogolinsky

Russia • 1844−1895

He graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of arts, had the title of class artist third degree. One of the first artists who visited Talashkino, where he worked every summer. In the State Russian Museum watercolor Gogolevskogo “Rural landscape” (“in Planove”, 1890), “View in Planova” (1895). Location watercolor, “Park in the name of “Talashkino” and “View in Talashkino” unknown.

1844 – 7.YII.1895, der. Bobiri near Talashkino

Gogolinski Neil A. was born in the town of Toropets in 1844. At an early age showed exceptional talent for drawing and twenty years old was accepted to the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg.

In this school he spent six years, successfully performing with their landscape works. In 1868 CE silver medals of the second dignity was marked by two small watercolor young artist in rural landscapes. A year later, N..Gogolinski awarded for their work the two silver medals of the first dignity.

By 1870 he graduated from the academic course in the rank of class artist third degree. taught class light ornaments at the drawing school of Society for encouragement of arts. At the same time continued his studies at the Academy. Improving your skills in watercolor techniques, tries his hand at etching and engraving. Participates in the organization of the Society of Russian watercolorists, he exhibited his works at exhibitions of this society, uniting many artists of the second half of the last century.

In 1872 Gogolinski already a great artist of the second degree. In his work he has always relied on nature. Watercolours, etchings Gogolevskogo is a beautiful picture. Small in size, "birch grove", "Edge", "backwoods", "Suburb" widely known "rustic look" is all about a near and dear artist of the Russian nature. In his works, no embellishment, no decoration, though thinly drawn, to the smallest detail.

He died 07.07.1895.

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