German portrait painter and excellent engraver Moritz Kellerhof (born in 1758, died in 1830 in Munich) originally from Al — the city belonged to the Duchy of Berg. A place of learning for the future famous painter became the Academy of Arts düsseldorf, where Moritz studied art at the Lambert Region. Already by the age of 26 Kellerhof became a famous portraitist and received the post of court painter of the elector of the Palatinate and of Bavaria, Karl Theodor. In the future, Moritz taught at the Munich Academy of fine arts, while remaining a Professor at this University until the end of life. The cause of death was likely gout. Buried Moritz Kellerhof in Munich, at the Old South cemetery.
Features creativity Killerbiene: paintings by Moritz inherent in warm colors, rich but subtle shades. He perfectly knew how to convey the features of the models for his portraits, portraying them realistically and vividly, with obvious sympathy. Kellerhof perfectly mastered the technique of transmission of light and shade, detail and subtly prescribed the smallest details of the interiors and garments depicted.
Famous paintings of Moritz Killerbieneportrait of Maximilian I, Lothar Anselm von Gebsattel, scientist and inventor of the Anglo-American Benjamin Rumford, as well as engraving the "Old seducer", the original of which was the picture Manfredi.
About the artist's life
Moritz Kellerhof lost his father early. He moved to Dusseldorf to her uncle, the priest, he got the basics of spiritual education: it was assumed that in the future, the future artist will connect his life with religion. However, the love for art won.
After studying at the Academy of fine arts Kellerhof traveled extensively, having been in Antwerp, the capitals of England and France. He then visited Vienna, and in 1782 was inspired by Sunny Italy. His career has developed successfully: Moritz Kellerhof deservedly been recognized as one of the greatest German painters. The personal life of the artist has also developed quite happily. He married, in the family were born several children. The daughters of Killerbiene little is known, can not be said about his son Joseph, who followed in the footsteps of his father and became a portrait painter. Art, Joseph was taught by his father and achieved a lot on a picturesque career as a teacher and author of outstanding works.
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