Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
Born in Baku, in the same year the family moved to Astrakhan. In 1937 R. Davitian enrolled in Astrakhan art school. Before the last, fifth, rate studies were interrupted by war. In 1947, R. A. Davitian graduated from the fifth year of the Penza art College, the teacher was I. S. Goriushkin-Sorokopudov. In 1951 - its first participation in all-Russian exhibition "Artists of RSFSR" (the picture of "Astrakhan port"). Much fruitful work in the house of creativity "Academic dacha", the participant of many exhibitions both at regional and all-Union. The main theme of creativity - Russian landscape, Astrakhan river motifs, still life. And most importantly quality - a unique sense of color. "Don't need paint, and the color," - said Roza Aleksandrovna. Her works are in the Penza gallery, Hulinska the Museum, the gallery of Astrakhan, and in some countries abroad.