Ivanovich Korovin

Russia • 1857−1919

Peter Ivanovich Korovin was born to a wealthy Moscow merchant. The father objected to his son's Hobbies art, so after graduating from commercial school Peter Korovin continued his youthful artistic experiments at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, where among his mentors were and V. Perov, I. Pryanishnikov, which influence the choice of a disciple of the mainstream of the art — genre. Interestingly, after P. Korovin school, the father refused him financial help, believing, apparently, that the son was "large" by the master himself needs to make a living. Therefore, the formative years of the artist, coincided with the creation of the family, were a time of hard work and certain deprivations. However, it is known that the family P. I. Korovin was distinguished by the famous Moscow hospitality, parents tried to give children a decent education — one of the boys Korovin tutor was a young Anton Chekhov. Brush P. I. Korovin belong "Before the holiday", "Bazaar", "the tea table", "I will Sit at the table, Yes, I think", "Night", "Cook", "Christening", "Morning child". In 1899 P. I. Korovin left Moscow and moved to Penza, where he became a Professor of the newly opened school of art (1898). For the Penza period of the artist's characteristic household composition, combining collective portraits and landscape. These are his "Fight", "Forest landscape with a hunter", "Fishermen", "the Nikolaev Retired soldiers." In a small number of portraits, executed by P. I. Korovin, clearly felt his skill. In a sense, the artist was lucky: many of his works were sold during his lifetime and till our time it is not allowing to create a holistic view of the painter.

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