Master of composing paintings, stonecutter, painter. He studied at the school of the Society for the encouragement of arts. In Yekaterinburg, Perm, St. Petersburg organized personal exhibitions: "Ural and its riches". A frequent participant in national and international exhibitions. A close friend of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak. In 1916, opened in St. Petersburg an exhibition of allegorical sculptures dedicated to the belligerent powers, and is made of colored Ural stones. Denisov's works are in several museums of the USSR.
(1864, Ekaterinburg – 1926, Usterka, Finland), painter, stonecutter. Was from the urban craft Council the title of "Guild master raised skill". Matched pictures and slides from the Ural stones in the 1880s was awarded silver medals at exhibitions in Moscow, Kazan, Paris. In 1890-1895 he lived in St. Petersburg, attended the school of drawing society for the encouragement of the arts (OPKh), participated in exhibitions. In Ekaterinburg in 1896 became one of the organizers of the Society of lovers of fine arts (OLII), traveled extensively in the Ural mountains, he gathered a collection of Ural minerals. In 1899 he produced the 1st exhibition "Ural painting" which was shown in Ekaterinburg and in Perm (Nov. 1899, Jan. 1900). 1902 G. Denisov-Uralsky moved to St. Petersburg, but communication with the Ural did not stop.
Promoted native land specially selected exhibitions "the Ural and its riches", participated in the public life of the region: was struggling with the predatory extermination of the riches of the Urals, welcomed the opening of the University in the city of Perm, which gave the collection of minerals, lapidary products, a series of allegorical sculptures of the warring States (exhibition 1916). A large part of the artistic heritage remained abroad.
Work: "October in the Urals" (1894; Ekaterinburg, MIA), "the Wind stone on the river Vishera" (1909; PGHG), "Thunderstorm has passed" (1909; Irkutsk Art Museum), a series of allegorical figures (1916; PGHG).
Lit.: Egorova, E. I., Former home of N. Vladimir Meshkov, which in 1901 had opened the first exhibition of works by the artist A. K. Denisov-Ural // proceedings of the arch of monuments of history and culture of the RSFSR. Perm oblast. M., 1978. 79-82 p.: photos. (Tr. / Institute of culture; T. 72);
Semenova S. V. Fascinated by the Urals: the life and works of A. K. Denisov-Ural'skiy. The School Environments.-Ural. kN. publishing house, 1978. 143 p.: ill., portr.; Denisov-Urals Alexey Kuzmich // Silver N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm: Book. publishing house, 1959.
(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", E. I. Egorova)