Konstantinovich Dzezhits

Russia • 1904−1964

1904.2.24. Thesis in the CVC made. He studied at the faculty of painting, awarded the title of artist-painter, teacher.

Born March 9, 1904 in Helsingfors (Finland). He died in 1964.

From 1922 to 1926 he studied at the Vitebsk art school, from 1926 to 1930 — at the Leningrad higher art and technical Institute.

In Republican and all-Union art exhibitions he participated since 1935

The main place in the artist took landscape, but he worked on the thematic pattern. The most famous of them — "Counter" (1932).

Lyrical landscapes mostly dedicated to the city of Vitebsk and its surroundings: "election Day" (1949), "Flood", "Spring shadows" (1956), "Vitebsk pier", "morning on the Vitba" (1958), "Les Vitebsk" (1961).

He taught at the Vitebsk art school in Vitebsk art and graphics College. Until 1964 he headed the Department of painting and drawing in Vitebsk pedagogical Institute.

(Source: Artists of the Soviet Belarus. Minsk, 1976.)

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