Georgievich Dmitriev

Russia • 1928−2001

1928, Moscow – 2001, Moscow.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of Russia.

1947 graduated from the Moscow secondary art school.

1953 graduated from Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov.

Between 1952 and participation in exhibitions.

Since 1968 the member of Bureau of section of painting of the Moscow artists ' Union.

1974-1975 chief artist of the Works of pictorial art.

The participant of the auctions "Christie" (great Britain), "Druo" (France).

Personal exhibitions:

1976 the newspaper "Trud", Moscow;

1986 exhibition hall of Moscow Union of artists on Vavilov street, Moscow;

2001 exhibition hall Kuznetsky most, 20, Moscow;

2002 exhibition hall of the magazine "Our heritage".

Works are in the Directorate of exhibitions, Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation,

Art Museum .Pereslavl-Zalessky, in private collections of Russia,

Germany, Italy, Taiwan, Japan.

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