Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
(1916.19.XII Saratov, Russia – 2001.9.II Riga, Latvia)
Astrahanskoy graduated from the art school A. B. Kustodiev (1934 – 39), studied in the Department of painting of the Kharkov Art Institute (1939 – 40).
After the war, in 1946, he enrolled in Latviskoy State Academy of arts and in 1949 he graduated from the workshop of J. liepiņš, with the thesis "man seeing enemies."
G. Dontsov worked as a teacher in the 7th the artistic vocational school (1949 – 52).
In exhibitions he participated since 1939. Personal exhibitions are organized in Riga (1967), Jurmala (1973).
The artist was one of the more active members of the group "artists of the Latvian SSR – the participants of the CWA", and participated in all exhibitions of the group.
His work is exhibited in many Republican, all-Union and foreign (Chile (1965), USA (1966), great Britain (1967), France (1968), Germany (1972), Japan (1970, 1973), Finland (1972), Switzerland (1973), etc.) exhibitions.
Since 1960, G. Dontsov was a member of the Union of artists.
1) Izstādes katalogs Hermaņa Doncova personālizstādei Jūrmalā 1973. gadā.
2) “Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās” Atb. red. A. Vilsons – Riga, 1995 – 1. sēj.