Dmitrievich Dukhovlinov

Russia • born in 1950

Was born in Daugavpils (Latvia) in 1950. Since 1967 he has been living in Leningrad - St. Petersburg. He graduated from the restoration Department of the art school im. And Serov higher school of industrial art to them. Mukhina in 1976, specialty "design".

Exhibiting since 1982. Participated in over 300 group exhibitions, mostly non-art. About 20 personal.

Works are in the collections of museums

The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Collection of "Manege" - Central exhibition hall, St. Petersburg

Museum Of Nonconformism, St.-Petersburg

The whole collection of Diaghilev Art, St. Petersburg

The Museum of Contemporary Russian Art Norton Dodge, Alexandria, United States

The Museum Of The University Of Sydney, Australia

Samara Art Museum

The state Museum "Tsarskoye Selo collection", St. Petersburg

Art Museum, Daugavpils, Latvia

In private collections

Russia, Ukraine, USA, UK, Austria, France, Holland, Italy, Korea, Australia, Japan,Germany, Belgium

Diplomas and awards

"Petersburg-94" (in the category for best painting) for the work "Bow to the Kazan Cathedral"

Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", St. Petersburg

"Petersburg-99" (in the category for best painting) for his work "the Middle of Europe"

Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", St. Petersburg

"Petersburg-2003"(in the category for best painting) for the work of "Dedication"

Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", St. Petersburg

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 19 February 2003 was awarded the medal "In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" in nomination "For contribution to fine arts".


Film Third Bank. Painting of Vladimir Duhovlinova" - documentary series "the Golden

branch", VGTRK, Directorate of Saint-Petersburg, 1994

Main personal exhibitions

1991 - Lelekoart, London, UK

1994 - the Central exhibition hall "Manege", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

1995 - Savva gallery, new York, USA

1996 - "Masters of painting. Saint Petersburg, end of the XX century", State Theatre Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

1997 - Werdermann art, Hamburg, Germany

1999 - "Fragments", national Center of Contemporary art and Society

1999- "A-I", St.-Petersburg, Russia

2000 - Leighton House Museum, London, UK

2002 - Gallery "On Obvodny", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

2003 - Gallery "Northern capital", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

2006 - Central house of artists, Moscow, Russia

2006 - Gallery "Square", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

2006 - Gallery "10x15", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

2007 - IMPRONTE contemporary art, San Gimignano, Italy

2008 – "close-up", Central exhibition hall Manege, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Principal group exhibitions

1989 - "Fioraiies-1989", Versailles, France

1989 - "Russian and Soviet avant-garde," the Fund Vasarely, AIX Provence,. France

1989 - "Moscow-Leningrad-Tbilisi", Angers, New Theatre, France

1991 - Spring exhibition, Olympia, London, UK

1992- "New art of Saint Petersburg.", Kunst-forum, Bonn, Germany

1994 - "self identification - artists of Saint-Petersburg", Kiel, Berlin ,Oslo, Sopot, St. Petersburg, Copenhagen

1996 - "Art - Manezh - 1996", Moscow, Russia

2000 - "-2000 Miart", Milano, Italy

2002 – "Abstraction in Russia" XX century", State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

2003 – "avant-garde on the Neva", State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

2003 – "Art-Manege-2003", Moscow, Russia

2004 – "Three centuries of Russian Art", state Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg; Nizhny Novgorod State art Museum , Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; Saratov State Art Museum N.. Radishchev, Saratov, Russia; Samara regional Art Museum, Samara, Russia

2007 – "12 letters to Rembrandt" gallery, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

2008 – International Plain Air Mark Rothko, Daugavpils, Latvia

2009 – "art about Art", State. Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

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