Nikolai Alexandrovich Bruni, son of the academician of architecture Alexander Konstantinovich Bruni, great-grandson of F. A. Bruni, first attended the Academy of Arts as an autonomous student of architecture. However, a great inclination towards the pictorial craft outweighed the family tradition of the young N. Bruni - in 1875, after graduating from the gymnasium, he was accepted into the Academy as a student in historical painting. Showing the necessary diligence, academician N. Bruni successfully comprehended the basics of artistic skill.
Pupil of the Academy of Arts from 1875 to 1885. Received medals: in 1877 - 2 silver; 1879 - 2 silver; 1880-1 silver; 1882-1 silver; 1884 - 2 gold for the program "Parable about the Rich and Lazarus". In 1885, he was awarded the title of class artist for the program "Sheep Font". Further N.A. Bruni made a service rather than a creative career. In 1890, he was appointed teacher of the Central Technical Drawing School of Baron Stieglitz. In 1892 he was appointed supervisor of the classes of the Academy of Arts. In 1894, he was appointed inspector of classes at the Higher Art School. In 1906, the title of academician. In 1909 he was elected for 5 years as a professor of arts in the architectural department of the Higher Art School at the Imperial Academy of Arts. In 1912, Mr .. appointed head of the Imperial Mosaic Department. (Kondakov)