Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
Special education in the Krasnoyarsk art school, graduating in 1939. In the days of the great Patriotic war before leaving for the front J. C. Eselevich participated in the creation of propaganda posters, and from November 1942 as soldiers of the 374-th infantry division fought near Leningrad. The artist on the front left of the pencil and the brush. After demobilization from the army Y. Eselevich in Krasnoyarsk again included in the creative work. Portrait work I Eselevich diverse. The artist depicts the progressive people of the region - representatives of various professions, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, the old Bolsheviks, veterans of the Komsomol, and the young contemporaries. Among the most successful "portrait of the laureate of the State award of A. I. Vyrypaev", the master of the brick factory. In 1958, J. C. Eselevich travelled around the Republic and at the provincial exhibitions of his portraits of noble farmers, shepherds, milkmaids. "Portrait of milkmaid Ilskogo farm D. J. Kapchelashvili" - the best of the series.