In another source the year of birth -1936.
Born at the village of Adler, Krasnodar region. Graduated from several universities. He has a higher art education. Teachers were Corin, S. Gerasimov, D. Mochalsky. Working on the Commission "to work in rural areas" participated in more than 20 exhibitions per year. Many works are in various museums, art galleries, and private collections (the Serpukhov history and art Museum, Archangelsk, Vologda region, Krasnodar region, etc.). For creative activities has received awards from the Governments of the USSR, the USSR Union of artists, Moscow Union of artists, etc. Is a Valid member. Of the Academy on problems of preservation of life. The Academy is headed by the scientific section on the preservation of "the Basic parameters and of the national foundations of the arts and culture." Is also the Chairman of the Committee of the same name Public United Nations, etc. the Creative concept: "the psycho-associative realism in genetically-national basis." In a beautiful letter adheres to the "Moscow school"