Dmitrievich Zhankov

Russia • born in 1921

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in Voznesensk, Nikolaev region, Ukraine.

Graduated From Odessa HUD. College in 1941.

In Moldova from 1950

Worked in the field of thematic paintings, portraits and landscape.

Participated in Republican and all-Union exhibitions since 1957.

He was a member of the artists Union since 1963.


Solo exhibition. Kishinev, 1980.

The artist's works were exhibited at the exhibition "Russian branch of pictorial tree of Moldova" organized by Association of Russian artists of Moldova "M-ART" dedicated to the Day of Russia in the exhibition hall skhm them. K. Constantin Brancusi exhibition centre hosts - June 2005.

"In his works, G. Jankov attaches special importance to color and rhythm, coming to a more conventional form of figurative plastic solutions". Catalogue of personal exhibition, Kishinev, 1981.


V. Plyusnin, N. Greenwald. "Fine arts of the MSSR" catalogue of the exhibition in Yerevan (Armenia). // Kishinev, 1971. "Fine arts of the Soviet Moldova."// Ed. Timpul, Kish., 1976.

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