Genre painter, landscape painter, author of a number of portraits and interiors. In 1884-1889 he studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. At the end he was awarded a large silver medal. In 1891 he participated in traveling exhibitions. Member TPHV. From 1894 taught at the Moscow school of painting. Picture of A. M. Korin were bought by P. M. Tretyakov for his collection. Exhibitor at the world exhibition in Paris in 1900 the artist's Works are in the Tretyakov gallery, the Russian Museum, in many regional museums.
The fate of the artist Alexei Mikhailovich Korin in its own way dramatic. A talented painter, author of numerous portraits, landscapes and genre compositions, member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions and a permanent participant of the exhibitions of this Association from 1891 to 1922 - he was almost completely forgotten, and his name appeared only incidentally in memoirs and special publications.
Palekh son of a peasant icon painter, he had a childhood, she worked under the guidance of his father, and at twelve was placed in an icon-painting workshop. Later, Korin went to Moscow, where in 1884, enters the School of painting, sculpture and architecture. His teachers were the famous Wanderers V. E. Makovsky and I. M. Pryanishnikov.
Years of teaching for the future artist was a difficult test of vital resistance. But the difficult conditions didn't prevent A. M. Corina in his professional development. Paintings and drawings invariably deserve the highest ratings, and in 1889 he graduated from the School, received a silver medal for the painting "Morning in a monastic cell".
Immediately after School begins the period of active creative work of A. M. Korin. He has successfully participated in exhibitions, winning art contests, receives high reviews for his pictures of such famous connoisseurs of art as I. Repin and V. V. Stasov. His genre picture, "Sick artist", shown in 1892, acquires for his collection of P. Tretyakov. And in 1894, the artist becomes a member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions.
Picture of A. M. Corina do not differ depth by the scale of performance. However, they always felt the immediacy of the perception of life, expressive use of pictorial and plastic means.
Characters carinskih portraits - loved ones, familiar to the artist people, in the face of which he is able to capture the light movements of the soul, to convey their mood. Images of his characters internally mobile, emotional. Such, for example, portraits of the artist Baksheev (1888), sculptor Domogatskiy (1890), Maria Corina, the daughter of an artist (1905). "Self-portrait" created by the wizard in 1915 (TG), is one of the best and most profound works of this series.
Corina genre scenes often show a direct connection with his portrait work. The characters are everyday pictures - real people from his entourage. This is collector N.In.An apartment building ("Patron"), the grandfather of A. M. Corina ("some tea"), the wife ("failed Again"), children ("Before school", "the open window"). The characters presented in the usual for the artist, not just observed them in everyday situations.
In earlier paintings of the Korin household seen a kind of `dramatic` effect, Socionet actions, designed for a reaction of the viewer ("Sick artist" 1892; "In the absence of his wife", 1893). Over time, the understanding of the story from Corina transformirovalsya ceases to be an end in itself. For such films as "For some tea", "the Window" (1912), "S. S. Corina for gejengel. Ples" (1898), "a Fascinating read (For a book)" (1900), is typically not so much attention to what is happening, how the desire to convey the depth of mental state, subtle internal connections of the characters.
Characteristic of many of the canvases on the unity of the emotional and plastic medium is achieved by a subtle color scheme. Painting Corina attests to the richness of his color vision, proficiency with a brush, confidently revealing the form and space.
On the development of artistic skills Korin was influenced by the work in the landscape to which it is continuously drawn in 1890-ies. Work in the open air in the suburbs and especially the trip to the sketches in the famous ples greatly expanded the palette of his canvases, made painting a more relaxed and luminous. Small format landscapes Corina always lyrical in mood, pervaded by fine poetic feeling for nature ("Early spring," 1890; "the Barn", 1900; "Landscape with Church. Ples", 1890).