Ivanovich Kalita

Russia • born in 1926

Biography and information

Born in Pyatigorsk, Stavropol territory . Studied in izokruzhke House of pioneers, Moscow art school of Memory of 1905. Graduated From Moscow. state art. in-t im. V. I. Surikov (1953). Won the first prize and gold medal for illustrations to the novel by Stendhal "Lucien Leuven" at the VII world festival of youth and students in Vienna (1959).

Member. State. expert Committee. M the Ministry of culture of the USSR, the Purchasing Commission. CX RSFSR, the all-Union organizing Committee. khudozh. lottery, Expert shop for the sale of works of art abroad.

In the war he painted posters for the theater, he worked at the club infantry school.

During the years of professional work in the field of graphic arts, ability to which. Kalita was noticed by A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedev - artist designed and illustrated dozens of books published in publishing houses "Soviet writer", "fiction", "Young guard" and others.

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