de Orrente

Spain • 1588−1645

Biography and information

Spanish painter, pupil probably Theotokopoulou (El Griego). In Valencia he founded the school. Wrote eight pictures for the Palace of Buen Retiro, in Madrid. Imitated the Venetian Jacopo da Ponte, owing to what was called the Spanish Bassano. In 1611, performed for the Viscount de Huesca eight paintings depicting the creation of the world, and in 1616, Valencia Cathedral — a large image of St. Sebastian.

The Spanish painter. Led a wandering life, working in Murcia, Cuenca, Toledo, Valencia (1616 and after 1631). Some time was in Toledo near El Greco, which gave reason to call Orrente his disciple. It is known that he was friends with the son of El Greco, Jorge Manuel, baptized one of his sons.


The creativity of Orrente most influenced by the works of Jacopo Bassano, which he studied during his stay in Italy, and copied the ones that came to Spain. Orrente called "Spanish Bassano". It is possible that in Venice he studied with the last of the dynasty of Bassano, Girolamo.


Orrente wrote biblical stories in the form of multi-figured peasant scenes, which occur in the conventional background of the rural landscape. The influence of Venetian color was replaced by his fascination with the chiaroscuro tradition of Caravaggio. Works: Miracle of the loaves and fishes (St. Petersburg GOS. The Hermitage), Christ at Emmaus (Budapest, Museum of fine arts), the adoration of the shepherds (Madrid, Prado). Painting from the Prado, called in the old directory as the Journey of the family of Laban, now more appropriately called Laban overtakes Jacob and depicts the moment when Laban, overtook Jacob, looking for his things statues of idols, which Rachel stole and hid in the camel's saddle. Omens this plot can be found in the left part of the composition, while overall it gives the impression of a multi-figure scene Prival strannikov.