Arkadevich Labas

Russia • XX century−1983

(1900, Smolensk - 1983, Moscow).

A famous Soviet artist, one of the most recognizable masters of the OST circle. His style is a kind of post-futuristic expressionism, sharply reacting to the new that modern technology has brought to the world. A special manner, which gives the transparent lightness of watercolors to oil paints, introduces a vivid sense of flying into his images (“In the cockpit of an airplane”, 1928, State Tretyakov Gallery; “Airship and Orphanage”, 1930, State Russian Museum). Born in Smolensk, in the family of an editor-publisher. In 1910 the family moved to Riga, and in 1912 - to Moscow. In 1912-1917 he studied at the Stroganov Art and Industrial College. He visited the studio of Ilya Mashkov (1916) and the Free Art Workshops (1917), where he studied under Pyotr Konchalovsky. Since 1919 he served in the Red Army on the Eastern Front; After being demobilized, he continued his studies in Vhutemas (1921-1924). He was one of the founders of the "Society of Easel Artists" (OST; 1925). The early experiments of non-objective art, constructivism, organically learned during the years of study and teaching (1924-1929) in Vhutemas give Labas's art a distinct flavor of the avant-garde. The works are presented in museums: the Pushkin Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Polytechnic, (Moscow), the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg).

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