Born may 29, 1941, Since the childhood was engaged in drawing: in the circle of fine arts of the Moscow House of pioneers, in a camp. After leaving school he entered the Moscow regional pedagogical Institute named after N. To.Krupskaya at the faculty of biology and chemistry faculty. Here at the Institute began to attend classes of the faculty of social professions (course of fine art led the artist Alexander Dolinsky). After graduation, I worked in different organizations, Klimov visits the art room at the House of culture "Energetik". In 1988 participates in the 18 th Youth exhibition in the Moscow Palace of youth. In 1992 begins to study by Correspondence at the people's University of arts and ends it. First solo exhibition was held in 1990 in the cinema "Zaryadye" in Moscow. And in 2001 held a large solo exhibition "Stop the moment!" at the Museum of naive art. Klimov - ordinary person. Scientist biologist, candidate of technical Sciences, working on his doctoral thesis, deals with the problems of classical computer science. But he and the artist enthusiastically engaged in painting.
(Source: website of the Museum of naive art)