Arnoldovich Koshkin

Russia • born in 1952

Biography and information

was born in 1952 in Moscow. He studied at the Moscow art school at the Moscow state art Institute named after V. I. Surikov (1963-1970), then in the Moscow state art Institute (1970-1976). Graduated from faculty of graphic (workshop poster). As the diploma is presented a poster for the ballet by I. Stravinsky "Petrushka" and a series of illustrations of the philosophical tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "the Little Prince".

Studying in the third year of the Institute, cat made illustrations for "the Golden key" by A. N. Tolstoy and "Three sisters" by A. Chekhov, for which he received a "satisfactory" (as University student) and won the favour of art (as an artist).

Since 1979 — member of the Moscow branch of Union of artists of Russia.

In 1992-1993 — the jury of the Competition for the best book of the year for the Committee on printing Russia.

In 1992-1995 — the Coordinating Council of authors (all-Russian Agency for copyrights).

Member of the Board for the children's book of Russia — National section Russia (RBBY) in the International Board on books for young (IBBY). Is on the Board, and in the arts Council of the Section of book artists of the Moscow Union of artists.

In 2001, Alexander Arnoldovich Koshkin was awarded the title of honored artist of the Russian Federation

In 2004, the artist was nominated from Russia for the International Gold Medal named Hans Christian Andersen; in the same year received the Honorary Diploma of IBBY.

Since 2005 — associate Professor of graphic arts mgkhpu im. S. G. Stroganov.

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