Student of the Academy of arts from 1889 until 1893 he Received medals: in 1891 – 2 and 1 silver; in 1893, 1 silver and then graduated from the scientific course. In 1897 the title of the artist for the woodcut: "Portrait Kokorin". Is in the service of the Expedition of Storing State Papers. In 1906, the title of academician.
He studied at the Academy of arts (1889 - 1893). In 1891 he received a second and the first silver medal in 1897, was awarded the title of artist for the engraving "Portrait of A. F. Kokorin".
In 1906 he received the title of academician.
Worked in the Expedition of storing state papers, participated
in engraving images on banknotes, stamps. The works of Xydias exhibited at the spring exhibitions in the Academy of fine arts, where he was a member of the Society. A. I. Kuindzhi.