Viktorovich Kuzyakov

Russia • born in 1954

Biography and information

Was born in 1954.

The Moscow painter. Author of landscapes, still lifes, genre painting. Permanent participant of regional, district and Moscow exhibitions. Member of the Union of artists of Russia.

The works of Sergei Kosyakova are in many museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Was born in Moscow. A graduate of the Moscow polygraphic Institute (professors A. D. Goncharov, D. D. Zhilinsky).

Since 1982 participates in all-Russian exhibitions. In 1989 he joined the Union of Artists of the USSR. Currently associate Professor of drawing and painting at the Moscow State textile University. A. N. Kosygin.

Participated in painting the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (medallions with images of saints in the chancel and South wall arches, the Temple of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Sarov, the Church of the Kazan mother of God Seraphim-Diveyevo convent.

Works are in private collections in Russia, USA, China.