Vasilievna Lavrova

Russia • born in 1944

Biography and information

Schedule. Honored artist of Russia.

1944 Born in the village of Yusupovo, Moscow region.

1965 Graduated from the Sverdlovsk art College

1974 Graduated from Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina at the Department "industrial art"

1978 member of the Union of artists of Russia

(04.08.1944, S. Yusupovo Mikheevskogo R-on, Moscow region), graphic artist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR (1977), honored artist of Russia (2002). Studied at the art Studio Palace of culture. Sverdlov (1957-1960). VF Cousin, in the Sverdlovsk art College (1960-1965 gg.). He graduated from the Leningrad Higher art-industrial school im. Mukhina, Department of industrial graphics (1969-1974). In the years of study had attended training workshops graphic printed at an outstanding authority and teacher V. I. Shishko, a teacher of etching and head of her thesis (a series of etchings to calendar "History of ballet"). Work was done in open technique of etching and aquatint that is always will later attract Lavrov. Since 1974 lives and works in Perm. Participant of exhibitions since 1972....


Exhibition of works of students of the higher school of industrial art to them. V. I. Mukhina, VDNKH, Moscow, 1972;

Union: "Glory to labor", Moscow, 1976; "Youth of country", Moscow, 1976;

"In the land of the Soviets", Moscow, 1981; "Toronto-Moscow", Moscow, 1989;

Quadrennial of graphics, Moscow, 1997

Republican: "Soviet Russia", Moscow, 1975, 1980, 1993; "Youth of Russia", Moscow, 1976; Retrospective exhibition of works by students of art schools, Moscow, 1977; the 2nd exhibition of prints, Rostov-on-don, 1979; 4th exhibition of prints, Moscow,1989; 2-I Republican exhibition of graphics, Moscow, 1989;

"Your name", to the 2000-anniversary of Christianity, Moscow, 2000-2001;

Zonal:"the socialist Urals", Ufa, 1974; "Ural socialist", Moscow, 1979; "Ural", the 7th art exhibition, Kurgan, 1991; Ural, 8th art exhibition, Ufa, 1997;

Foreign:"Perm artists. Beloved land", Hannover (Germany), EXPO 2000;

International:"Art-Perm", Perm, "Permskaya Yarmarka", 2000-2006;

Group: - "Young artists of Perm", Moscow, 1981; "Exhibition of four", Perm, PGHG, 1981; "Seven-I", Perm, 1992-2000;

Theme: "Perm artists. Watercolor, drawing, sculpture. 1960-1990-ies.", Perm, PGHG, 1996 "Artists of Perm region. Twentieth century", Perm, PGHG, 2005

Lit: Kazarinova N. V. Irina Lavrova. Perm, 1979; Perm Artists: [collection of essays] / ed. N. Kazarinova. Perm: Perm. kN. publishing house, 1981. 175 p.; P. 76-78, 107, 113, 116; Kazarinova N. V. Artists Perm. L.: Hood. Of the RSFSR, 1987. 192 p. From the whse.: Lavrova Irina. S. 174; "Perm artists. Favorite land." EXPO 2000. Hanover, Germany: booklet / comp. I. P. Fedotov. Perm, 2000; Outcasts: the Ural underground / AVT.-comp. A. A. Sidyakina. Chelyabinsk: The Foundation Gallery, 2004. S. 295; Lavrova Irina // Perm Vernissage: painting; graphics: album / comp. R. Shabalin. Perm, 2004. Pp. 36-39, 137: portr., Il.; Lavrova Irina // the pages of the history of artistic culture of the Kama region. Perm, 2006. S. 136: portr., Il.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", I. P. Fedotov)

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