Lit.: Chelyabinsk : encyclopedia. In 7 t. T. 3 / redkol.: K. N. Bochkarev (ed.) [et al.]. - Chelyabinsk. 2004. S. 650; Chelyabinsk : encyclopedia / comp.: V. S. Oh, V. A. Chernozema. - Ed. Rev. and extra - Chelyabinsk, 2001. - S. 459-460; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991 : a Handbook / ed.- comp. O. A. Kudzaev. - Chelyabinsk, 1996. - S. 144-146.
(5.02.1918, der. Smolenshina Kirov region. – 22.02.1995, Chelyabinsk), painter, landscape, society. activist, member. CX USSR (1945), honored. worker of culture of the RSFSR (1975), participant of the 2nd world war. B. in the cross. family. Studied at the art Studio t-VA “Kirov artist” (1935-38). He served in the far East (1938-46), participated in the defeat of the Kwantung army in Manchuria (Aug.–St. 1945). In Person. 1951. Elected representat. and the sales responsible. SECR., member. of the Board of COSH (1959-77), a delegate to the 2nd Congress of artists of the USSR (1963). Plasticity. freedom, wholeness distinguished by the color pattern of L. “sortie aviation”, “guerrilla trail”, “the defeat of the Japanese trains”, “combat area” and sketches, written in the vicinity of Ussuriysk and B. xing'an. In 1956-57 the military. the work of L. were exhibited in the cities of Belgium and China for the Intern. exhibition of the owls. artists. Dr. stage in the creativity L. was connected with the Urals: prod. “The tractor town” (1959), “the oak” (1968), “In the vicinity ASHI” (1969), “Early snow. Minyar” (1978). The final work was the painting “Over the expanses of the southern Urals” (1987). DOS. Pro-Izv.: “Crossing the Great Khingan troops of the Transbaikal front” (1945-46), “1946-th year on the farm threshing” (1947), “the places of the campaign of the army of V. K. Blyukher” (“near the village of Serpievka”, 1967). Party. exhibitions since 1937, zones. exhibition “the socialist Urals” (Sverdlovsk, 1964; Perm, 1967; Pers., 1969; Tyumen, 1979, Sverdlovsk, 1985), region. – “Ural” (Barrow, 1991). Persons. the exhibition took place in Person. (1969, 1988), Kirov (1969). Proizv. located in: Sov. Army 1st seaside; of Kirov, Khalturina, Magnitogorsk; People. in COCH, the Museum of the Department of fire service, Museum work. glory CTZ, the Institute of military road, mountains. clinical hospital № 1, etc. institutions; in private collections in Russia and abroad. Awarded hordes. Otech. war 2nd step., medals “For victory over Japan”, “For valiant labor”, etc.
V. P. Prokop'ev
O h: Art people // Always with the party: Sat. art. H., 1963.
Lit.: B a th n o in L. the Urals, my Urals... // Artist. 1969. No. 6; P R o K o p l e in V. Landscapes of lyrical color // of the Czech Republic. 1988. 6 Oct.; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996; PR o K o p l e V. a Son of earth // Juzhnoural. panorama (Part). 1998. 12-18 Feb.